Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oh a Blackberry...

I have an interesting relationship with my Blackberry. I am pretty attached to it, much to Matt's dismay. It's both a useful and frustrating tool. I can in fact, google anything anytime, figure out the weather, respond to work and personal emails, and certainly update my facebook...but it also feels good to not be completely accessible all the time. I'm sure we all have friends or family members that are SO attached it feels like you can't have a conversation with them. You find your self rolling your eyes, or maybe you just quit talking because they aren't actually paying attention to you. That is way annoying. Yet, I'm guilty of being that way. I'm trying to work on it - - knowing that phones can be put down, put on hold, or even...in another room, and the world will go on!

Thought this article had some good insights for those of us who may or may not realize our weirdness:

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